Leave the hustle culture behind, play by your own rules, and find deep fulfillment in your life and work.

This is a 12-week program for highly-intuitive and creative women who are ready to step out of overwhelm and build a life in alignment with their deepest, truest self. 

It's possible you found your way here because you're ready to feel like yourself again.

You are not alone. I am on daily calls helping women who are suffering from exhaustion. They carry the weight of the world and they aren't sure what they can put down. 

Sometimes years of over-functioning, pushing past your limits , feeling invisible or accepting less than you deserve has left you feeling resentful and exhausted. These feelings of stuck-ness are a signal that it's time for change. But where do you begin? 

This program will provide the environment, tools, and coaching for you to identify and make changes in your work and life that allow you to define your version of success, get in touch with your true self, and live by your own set of rules. 

You are not alone. I am on daily calls helping women who are suffering from exhaustion. They carry the weight of the world and they aren't sure what they can put down.

Sometimes years of over-functioning, pushing past your limits , feeling invisible or accepting less than you deserve has left you feeling resentful and exhausted. 
These feelings of stuck-ness are a signal that it's time for change. But where do you begin? 

This program will provide the environment, tools, and coaching for you to identify and make changes in your work and life that allow you to define your version of success, get in touch with your true self, and live by your own set of rules. 

Maybe you feel stuck. Stuck in a relationship, stuck in a job, stuck in your business, or maybe it is all swirling together and it feels like you are just stuck in life. 

"I was burnt out - physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted from a toxic work environment. After working with Teresa, I have a renewed vision for my professional journey that is more intentional and strategic. Teresa also helped me grow by enabling me to see the big picture, discover lessons from past challenges and equip me with a strategic mindset and the tools to tackle future obstacles."

-Lauren Kane

"I met Teresa at my breaking point"

"Caramels cupcake carrot cake croissant powder sweet roll. Jelly gingerbread cupcake danish pastry jelly beans pastry topping muffin."

" Our best investment ever!"

"Caramels cupcake carrot cake croissant powder sweet roll. Jelly gingerbread cupcake danish pastry jelly beans pastry topping muffin."

" My life changed forever"

You don't have a burning inside of you to pursue a life of meaning

You want someone to tell you the answer and skip all the hard stuff

YOu want a quick fix and aren't willing to deeply reflect

You aren't willing to show up for a one hour call a week 

This is      for you if...

Societies definition of success isn't cutting it, you are ready for your own set of rules

You are not sure if it's your career, your business, or your relationships but you're ready to find out

you give your all and take care of things for others and are ready to learn how to do that for yourself

You are passionate, ENTREPRENEURIAL, and want to live with deep intention 

This is for you if...

Hear about Megan's transformation

How Megan 3x'd her income and overhauled her mindset

Let's talk about results


This work is deep and creates sustainable, measurable, and permanent change. Don't get me wrong, we will do deep work to create the change you desire. But, you will leave old cycles behind, embrace your uniqueness, and release the pain of the past . Once you embark on this path you will know how to manage your emotional system and handle setbacks as they come. 


Anxiety is a real symptom of burnout. The tools I teach you show you how to work with your thoughts to feel the way you want to feel. We do fancy things like pave new neural pathways and old school things like use our imagination to create a vision for our life. With your renewed ability to focus your thoughts, you will be able to step up and into the values and choices that align with your vision for your life.  

reduced anxiety

If I had it my way we wouldn't need money to live, but we do--so I help women make more of it. I've spent a decade helping women negotiate salaries to match their value, get paid more for the beautiful work they do as business owners, and negotiate deals that set them on a path to true financial freedom. 

Financial security

Your 12-week life reset 

During the program we meet for twelve weeks as a group for one hour a week.

You will learn the From Stuck to Clarity method and begin to see results.

The Community Forum provides additional coaching and resources in between sessions.

Simply log-in and get message support from your coach and your peers.

Every week you will get direct coaching on the coaching calls with Teresa.

Here are the details of how we will gather and what you will have access to inside of the program. It's 12 beautiful weeks of community, healing, and creating deep motivation in alignment with your calling. 

I realized I didn't want to play by societies rules anymore. I was determined to create a more meaningful, flexible and healthy path. Over the last decade, I have built a business, left the city and bought a farm, helped hundreds of women recover from burnout and build intentional lives, launched 15 women-owned business and still my greatest "accomplishment" is that I rise in the morning when my body tells me to and I have time to write my poetry, and go on long walks with my dog. 

I built this program from the things I learned to do to stop living how society told me I had to live as a woman, and become the leader of my life. I've taken every step I will help you take on this journey. Once you clear out the stress, guilt, and exhaustion and you've designed your own life-operating system, your vision for your next chapter will be clear and you will feel like your truest self.  

Hi! I'm Teresa

For us highly-intuitive, talented do-gooders who are always first in line to pitch in and help, society and its rules are rigged to burn us out. You will hear me say this a lot, your intuition and sensitivity are superpowers. I'm here to help you harness them for your greatest good. 

I have worked for the best of the best--Nike, Netflix, led government agencies, produced million-dollar movies. I loved my work, but I didn't love how those environments made me feel or the personas I had to create to survive them. Believe me, I was succeeding. But at what cost? 

Meet Your Coach

If this work is calling to you and you have questions, book a free clarity call and I will help you decide if this program is a right fit. From that call, we can get you enrolled in the program and embark on your journey to clarity together. 

Book a Free Clarity Call

Book a Clarity Call

The program kicks off the week of January 29th, 2024

This program is about bringing you internal peace. There is so much grief in change and transition. I will hold space for those feelings, we will work through them and help you use them as a guide to take the next right step. 

We'll help you carve out space to do the things you want, when you want, on your terms. You'll stop adhering to other's expectations, over-functioning to make others comfortable and you will pour your energy into the things that matter most to you. 

Most of our graduates find new jobs or make changes at work to make their job work for them. Others start that business they've been dreaming of starting or change their business to meet their real needs and desires; increasing revenue and finding aligned clients. 

Have space to breathe

Restore your energy

Do fulfilling work

how this Program will help you

"Today, months after our coaching has come to end, I can clearly see how our work sparked major transformation in my life. I’m in a new career I’m excited about. I’m planning my marriage to the partner of my dreams. Above all, I’m happy with who I am and the life I’m consciously creating. Teresa helped me get back in touch with the truest parts of myself and for that, I’ll always be grateful"

ally found her joy and a fulfilling career

Ashley R.
"I learned how to prioritize what I need, and shift my perspective to get the results I desirE"

If this work is calling to you and you have questions, book a free clarity call and I will help you decide if this program is a right fit. From that call, we can get you enrolled in the program and embark on your journey to clarity together. 

Book a Free Clarity Call

Book a Clarity Call

The program kicks off the week of January 29th, 2024

Dija Renuka Henry

"I made back my investment and more. Teresa's the real deal."

The Investment

Pay in Full


Pay in 3 Installments

Book your clarity call


The program kicks off the week of January 29th, 2024

To secure your spot book a free a clarity call with Teresa. She will answer any questions you have and help you get enrolled in the program.

a month

Secure your Spot

"Teresa's compassionate yet direct guidance enabled me to give myself permission to stop trying to fit into the box that others have presented to me—and build my own sandbox. Today we have three fully functioning arms of the business and our work is receiving awards and accolades in their respective markets."

Lauren built a business and closed a multi-million dollar deal

"The support I received from Teresa and the other women was transformative. I  grew my business by 50%!  I struggled a lot with imposter syndrome at the beginning of the year & I can honestly say that I have not had any self doubt in the past couple of months. "

Zulmarie Left her job for her thriving business 

"Teresa gave me space to emerge and flourish as an individual. Through this program, I have broken out of unhealthy routines and discovered not only what I wanted in life, but what I needed. I no longer let work define me, but instead I define my boundaries and where I place my energy.  I have a healthier perspective on my life, and I hold space and devote my time to serving my best interests, which directly impacts the positive well-being of those individuals around me."  

Katie changed careers and put her needs first

Success stories

If this work is calling to you and you have questions, book a free clarity call and I will help you decide if this program is a right fit. From that call, we can get you enrolled in the program and embark on your journey to clarity together. 

Book a Free Clarity Call

Book a Clarity Call

The program kicks off the week of January 29th, 2024